
Meet the Leader - Marie

Marie started her running journey back in May 2018. “At the time a few of my colleagues had started running using the NHS Couch to 5K app, so I decided to give it a go as well. I remember that very first run as clear as day and how hard I found it! Afterwards, I walked back home feeling very unfit thinking there was no way I would get past the first week let alone complete the whole programme”. However with a lot of hard work and determination Marie progressed through the programme week by week. “It was the sense of achievement after completing each run that got me hooked. I went from dreading what was coming next and thinking I’m never going to be able to do this, to actually looking forward to the next run and the next challenge. That final graduation run for Couch to 5K was such an amazing feeling!”. From then on Marie had well and truly caught the running bug!

After completing the C25K programme Marie continued to run on her own for a while, but as the dark nights and cold weather hit she found it harder and harder to find the motivation to get out the door. Not wanting to let all that hard work and progress be wasted, she plucked up the courage to get in touch with Ripley Jog Club. This was a real game changer for Marie as she really enjoyed the social aspect of running with other people and went on to join other local jog clubs as well. This gave her the confidence to try her local Parkrun and take part in a few local races. Marie went on to join Rogue Runners Ripley when they began in September 2019. “I love being part of Rogues, it’s an amazing club to be part of and I have met so many fantastic people. The support you get from running in a group makes such a big difference” she says.

In March 2021, Marie completed her Leadership in Running Fitness course (LiRF) with England Athletics and now enjoys leading weekly sessions for Rogues. “It’s great to be able to give something back to the club, and share my love and enjoyment for running to support other people”.

Marie has recently found a love for off road running and is often out and about exploring new routes and areas with Beki. As well as running, Marie also enjoys putting on her walking boots and hiking with her family. “We are very lucky to have such a beautiful surrounding area on our doorstep to run and walk in”. Marie usually leads one of Rogue Runners Ripley's Wednesday evening group runs, but also some of our Friday evening trail sessions. 

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