
Meet the Leader - Caroline

Caroline is our very own Rogue Superwoman! She lives in Belper and is married to Gareth with 2 grown-up children. She likes chocolate, alcohol and socialising (not necessarily in that order). She has always enjoyed a variety of sports since being at school, but cross-country running was at the bottom of her list. When she was in her early 40’s and having just had her second child she began looking for something that she could do to lose some weight and get fit again which would fit in around the family. She started run/walking around the block slowly increasing the amount of running until she had managed to run non-stop for 3 miles. This was the start of her new-found love for running and she soon began to run with other people making new friends along the way. 

She joined a local running club and began to challenge herself with 10k and half marathon distance races. After rupturing her cruciate ligament doing a spot of kick boxing, road cycling became a good option for her alongside the running and having had the knee fixed the two sports continue to be very important to her.Caroline has enjoyed the Derby 10k, Tara Kinder 10K, The White Peak Half, The Sunderland Half (where she raised money with her daughter for Raleigh International) as well as many other events.

Caroline likes to mix things up a bit, sometimes group running and other times just getting out there on her own. She loves how running gets her out into the countryside and into nature, it also helps to lift her mood and to increase her sense of self-worth. She can often be found on two wheels, cycling around the Peak District with her friends from Belper Bicycle Club too! Friends made through running and cycling are really important to her, she loves that common bond and how they don’t get bored talking about all things running.

She has recently started to help lead the Rogues running groups as she enjoys seeing others improve and loves to encourage and help them to reach their goals.

Caroline’s running journey hasn’t always been a smooth one, she’s had plenty of ups and downs along the way but has always been glad to come back to it. Sometimes the hardest thing has been to put those running shoes on again and get herself out of the door!

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